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Manage your money like a pro

Basil is the ultimate solution for tracking and managing your investments. Easily connect your financial accounts for multi-asset tracking, portfolio visualizations, and personalized insights.

Basil Main Portfolio Screenshot

How It Works

Basil is focused on providing a simple, secure way to understand entire your portfolio.

Seamless Account Integration

Effortlessly link a wide variety of financial accounts, from crypto wallets to retirement funds, with our platform. Enjoy hassle-free management of all your investments in one place.

Actionable Insights

Get a clear view of your portfolio's performance and individual account metrics. Basil provides detailed breakdowns and insights, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Powerful AI

Experience the cutting edge of financial technology with Basil's AI-driven insights and market analysis. Engage in real-time conversations for personalized advice and data-driven forecasts.

In-Depth Research

Dive deep into the world of finance with comprehensive research tools at your fingertips. Basil offers granular data and insights on a wide array of assets for thorough analysis.

Security & Privacy

Your security and privacy are paramount. Basil ensures the utmost protection of your financial data with advanced encryption and strict privacy protocols.

Consistent Updates

Basil is committed to growth, constantly evolving with regular updates and new features. Our platform continually adapts, ensuring you always have the latest tools and insights at your fingertips.

How We Compare

Discover the advantages of Basil compared to other common portfolio tracking methods.

Feature Basil Spreadsheets Other Finance Apps
Automatic Tracking Manual Entry Paywalled
In-Depth Analytics Old Data Basic Data
Advanced Market Data Basic Data Basic Data
Simple, Intuitive Design Mistake Prone Bloated

Works with your all of your financial accounts

+ 1000s more!

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